Cayman Precast Systems Homes

CI Precast Building Process

CI Precast has come up with a detailed building process that is unique to our company. We lay out measurement and material specifications for concrete, reinforcement, truss anchors, weld plates, and joining material. Plans are drawn with blueprint precision and updated frequently. Each plan has a chart at the bottom with a title, date, when it was revised, who checked it, who created the shop layout, the number of pages, the scale used, and the drawing number. CI Precast keeps a thorough record of all project, procedures, and guidelines so we can continue to serve you with the most updated material and tried and true methods.

General instructions state not to scale drawings, but use figured dimensions only.

Concrete is to be normal with the minimum compressive strength of 5000 psi for wall panels, 5000 psi for floor panels, and 3500 psi for footings at 28 days. The maximum w/c ratio is to be 0.5.

Reinforcing steel must be new, deformed, hot rolled steel bars of Grade 60 only, conforming to ASTM A-615, latest. Minimum concrete to cover all steel needs to be 3€ for Footings, 1.5€ for Floor Panels, and 1.5€ for wall panels, unless otherwise noted. We often use Waffle Floor Panels. Reinforcing steel need to be lapped 48 bar diameters or a minimum of 18€ and all weld mesh is to be lapped a minimum of 6€.

CI Precast uses Simpson HHETA embedded truss anchors or an equivalent.

Welds must be ¼€ fillet welds, all faces, unless otherwise noted. All steel plates are to be ¼€ thick and all exposed steel and welds need to be coated with a zinc or anti-corrosion primer after the site is put up (erected).

Finally, joining for our joining material, Butyl rubber sealant must be used on all exterior joints between precast panels and a polyethylene sealant is to be used on all interior joints. Joints must be meshed before the application of finishing materials.

CI Precast ensures meticulous attention to detail and care in our work to get the job done right the first time.

 Contact CI Precast

P.O. Box 10587
44 Sherwood Dr Indl Pk
George Town
Grand Cayman KY1-1005
Cayman Islands
Tel: (345) 945-8495

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